MD: Hi John. Thanks
for agreeing to speak with me. I do have to say this to start off, as I do with
all my interviews, before running the final piece I post a little preview with
the Icon's picture and a few brief words. I did this with you and I believe you
got an insane amount of "likes" by fans and others-you are quite the
popular fellow!
JD: Mike first I want
to say I truly appreciate the opportunity to spread my words and communicate to
all those who are interested in what I can offer as far as information and
history goes. The people, in general, have been very kind to me over my career.
It gives me even more thrust to help as many people as I can!
MD: Tell me about your early years.
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John with his mom in 1982 at the first Ultrafit office |
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John's dad pumping biceps in 1947 at the age of 22. |
JD: Yes. My father-I
remember him bringing home magazines of Dave Draper and Arnold on the covers.
It was the 70's and Dave was wearing that cool head band of his. I really,
really got into training. When I was only 13 I had one of those black and white
composition note books, in which I wrote, "I will be Mr. America."
That was my goal. I knew this. It was very clear in my mind-crystallized.
JD: Yes. I pounded
away and did my first competition at the age of 15 years, it was the Suburban
Teenaged New Jersey. I remember going with a few friends. There were four teens
in my class, including me. But, here it is: there were only three trophies! Somebody
was gonna be out. After the prejudging, we went to a movie to kill some time. I
was pretty confident-after all, my friends all told me I had easily and most
definitely won the class. This was not the outcome. As they were calling out
the three finalists at the evening production, my name was not announced. I was
in a funk.
I approached an official backstage and told him, "You made a mistake."
I approached an official backstage and told him, "You made a mistake."
"I won."
Mike, let me tell
you...this was THE watershed moment of my life. Yes...I did feel like Sissy
Spacek in the movie "Carrie," when she was at the prom, in all her
glory...finally accepted by all the uppity kids when-all of a sudden-she gets a
bucket of blood dumped on her head. I had that feeling of emptiness inside me that
day. It was the defining moment of my life. I couldn't even do my posing
routine because if you didn't place, you didn't pose. I never wanted to feel
like I did that day again.
MD: A most rude of
awakenings in your nascent bodybuilding career.
JD: You know, there
are so many facets of learning I gained from this that are with me to this day.
Today...everybody gets a trophy in events, games, competitions, spelling bees.
Whatever. I will say that the new generation has ruined our country.
Mike, do you remember
the famous "Agony of Defeat?"...You know, on Saturday afternoons way
back when there were only three TV channels plus UHF, there would be ABC
televison's "Wide World of Sports." They had the montage at the
beginning of the show that included the guy taking that incredible spill on the
ski slopes? Just when that part was shown...the voice over blared..."The
Agony of Defeat." That line resonates with me to this day.
MD: Yes. And so I
never went skiing in my life!
JD: (laughs) The
Agony of Defeat is an absolute, incontrovertibly necessary element of growth in
society. We have largely lost this mode of thinking. People are seeking
comfort. Comfort really will not come before growth, which almost always
entails you will undergo pain.
For my company,
Ultrafit, a defining descriptor of our philosophy is that of "Relentless
Pursuit." Think of it in terms of a shark and when it senses blood has
been spilled-you see the spark of relentlessness in its eyes. This is also the
look a champion gets. I wrote "Be the Shark," which details embarking
on achieving your goals with relentless pursuit. You can find it on my website.
MD: I'll be sure to
include that John.
JD: Thanks. I was
lucky to adopt this thinking when I was very young. Another defining momenht
was when my mom was in the hospital for one of her heart attacks. I was not
tall enough to see through the window to the room in which my mom was in, so my
father lifted me up to get a look at her. I still remember the devastation I
felt at that moment. It was a feeling of helplessness. Think about it. Your
primary caregiver is gone. Its scary and devastating. You know, this still
kindles the passion for what I do today. I know the danger of being 150 pounds
overweight, of having sky-high blood pressure and cholesterol. God forbid-your
kids would be devastated if anything should happen to you. Through it all, our
father was a trememndous source of support for my brother, sister and I.
MD: Rough tidings for
your and your family, but heartening because you became stronger from it all.
JD: Yes. And today?
Well, too many kids don't have this. The family unit has largely imploded. I
mean, I did not take 4th place in my first show. I took LAST place. EVERY
teenager should experience the pain, the hurt of not achieving a goal. Their
parents protect them from the real world...they remain insulated from the true
rigors that will test them and allow them to prove their mettle. It ends up
like this: Up the road, their boss asks them to do something. Well, they don't want
to do it. If they are told to improve their performance...screw that...they
quit. Man, when they grow up...IF they grow up...they are so screwed.
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A teenage John Defendis |
Today? Someone
accopmplishes something-whatever it may be-and they think its all about them.
Let me tell you something-nobody cares. You want to know a critical step in
defining yourself as a true champion? Use your notoriety and whatever accolades
you have to help guide others. If you attain victories and fanfare and just do
it for your ego-this is useless. You are a loser if you think its all about
Im not defined by how
much money I make. I certainly do use my accomplishments as a conduit to helping others. I've been asked how long I plan on "milking" my Mr.
USA win. Forever, that's how long! Mike-you have your doctorate. You earned
that 25 years ago. So you mean to tell me you no longer use the knowledge you
gained to help others? Nonsense. You will use it forever. I am in the Hall of
Fame with Jack Lalanne and Arnold. Being aligned with such individuals and
achievements benefits everyone that I touch. People come to me and yes, they
believe in me, but not in themselves. They believe in me, and this ultimately
helps them believe in themselves. Understand me now-I am right in the game with
them. Their success is my success. I respond to every sigle e-mail and post
directed to me personally.
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"I am John Defendis" John pumping arms at age 16 |
JD: (laughs). Bro. I
lost my first nine teenage shows I entered. Around this time I must convey to
you that I was nothing but a cocky, 16 year old kid. Some of the people will
remember the famous Mr. America Gym. This is where I began my three,most
challenging training years. I remember the first day I walked into the place.
There was Steve Michalik, in the midst of one of his ferocious workouts. I
thought nothing of it to walk right up to him and announce, "I'm John
Defendis." (laughs). He just flatly told me to get the hell out of the
MD: Kinda reminiscent
of Arnold walking up to Gironda that one, fateful day, so many years ago...
JD: LOL. Yes. It was.
Well, of course, I was not to be denied. I went back that night, but didn't
immediately think to venture into the gym. I was watching through the front
window when a hand grabbed my shoulder from behind. I spun around and it was
Michalik, asking me why the hell I was back.
"I want to be
like you," I told him this. Just like that. I remember it clearly.
MD: Man John. I have
heard all the stories about Steve. Scary stuff. At least, you'd think it would
be to a 16 year old. Or even a 51 year old like me.
JD: Well, truth is,
he wasn't entirely like you may have heard. There's that story where he
supposedly used eletcrical tape to secure my hands to a chin bar, and I had to
keep doing chins...hundreds of them, until he decided I had done enough. That
never happened. The beach story-that's true.
JD: I wrote the
Intensity/ Insanity articles for Animal Pak years ago-based on priniciples I
picked up from Steve. Just wanted to mention that. In 1979, I was in training
for my first attempt at winning the Mr. USA-I was only 20 years old. I wasn't
dillydallying around. I wasn't just testing the waters to "see how I could
do." I wanted to WIN. Steve knew this of course. Our training sessions
were brutal. You'd think people would just drop dead going through what we did.
You know, my mother
hated Steve Michalik. Training with him landed me in the hosiptal twice for
just essentially doing too much. Overtraining would be an understatement.. Mom
was like, "What is this guy doing to my son? He's trying to kill my
We'd do two hours of
workout in the morning, and another hour and a half at night. One particular
day, we had finished training legs. We'd done 60 ferocious sets, and finished
this off with 100 reps of hack squats at the end. We'd train really
early-enough so that that day we headed to Jones beach at around 8 am in the
morning. Steve liked to go where there'd be few if any people at all to bug,
gawk, stare or otherwise damage our calm.
You know, in general,
we never spoke much, Steve and I. I wouldn't say what we had was a friendship.
Our alliance was that of training partners. We'd drive to the beach with very
few words being spoken. I do think he liked me primarily because over the
years, many had fallen by the wayside trying to train with him. Me? I was the
only one who would always come back for more, no matter how hard it was. He was
never quick to offer a compliment. There was 6 weeks left until the show. I
would have him critique me. I'd ask him what I would have to do to win. He
would always say, no matter what, that I had to do more. I mean this
respectfully, although it may not sound like it, but I think of him as the
"Charles Manson" of bodybuilding. He was the master of getting you to
do something that nobody else would. He was a very hard man.
JD: I went down to
the water alone. I was either waist or chest deep in it. I remember the sun was
coming up, and I was just standing there, looking up, a solitary figure. All of
a sudden, Steve is behind me with his hand to the back of my neck and and he
slammed me forward. I was underwater. I didn't even honestly know what hit me.
Steve is holding me down. Now, Im thrashing about and fighting to rise-he'd let
me surface for a brief second to get a breath-and then I was back under. I'm
flailing about, punching his calves, his thighs. Just when I truly knew that my
life was going to end, things getting fuzzy, strength sapped from me, he shoves
me away from him. I followed him back to the blanket, choking and gagging. I
screamed, "WTF is wrong with you?" He just was very nonchalant about
it all. He was kind of quiet. He looked at me and asked me when I was under the
water, what did I want to do? He wanted to know what it was I was thinking.
Hell, I told him I wanted to breathe. "Well," he said."When you
want to win the show as much as you want to breathe, that's when you will be
the champion.
MD: Wow. Crazy. Let
me ask you, after that point, did your relationship with Steve change in any
way? I'm certain you didn't tell your mother about the Steve Michalik system of
swimming instruction.
JD: No. We just
pressed on as if that were an ordinary circumstance in an ordinary day.
However, from that point on I did stay away from the water (both laugh).
MD: I mean no
disrespect and I'm not one to ever assume anything, especially since I didn't
know the man and was not part of the whole experience. But Steve seemed like he
may have been somewhat troubled on some level.
JD: Steve wanted
respect most of all. He had a very bad time growing up with his father-it
wasn't a good relationship. You know, mentioning that reminds me of Louie
Ferrigno's dad, Matty, calling me and telling me not to lose my life over
bodybuilding. Louie hated his father. It kind of reminded me of the situation
with Steve and how he grew up. Similar, I guess. Steve craved respect...and I
gave it to him in the best way possible. I was the only guy who could keep up
with him. I didn't care. People would come in the gym and linger just to watch
our workouts. Imagine that happening today?
MD: It would'nt.
JD: Exactly.
MD: You know, when I
think of guys over the years whose names are synonymous with brutally hard,
gut-splitting workouts, names like Platz, Yates, Coleman, Franco-you-come up.
JD: Look. Looking
back, I don't even know how I did the things I did. Flex Magazine once had a
"Top Ten" list of the hardest training bodybuilders of all time.
Platz was number one. Branch Warren 3rd. I was number four on the list, Ronnie
Coleman number 5. There was no Arnold, no Cutler on that list.
MD: So then the
torture with Steve was over, and it was time for the Mr. USA.
JD: I took third in
this show at the age of 20. Well, I believe I should have won. There were seven
judges, two of whom were the publishers of Iron Man Magazine, Perry and Mable
Rader. Man, they were like close to 90 years old, both of them. They should not
have been judging. I got all first and second place votes, and you know they
scored by dropping your highest and lowest totals. Perry gave me 7th, Mable
9th. Talk about being out in space. So, a first and a 9th were dropped. If they
had placed me 2nd, I'd have won. It was a great show-Les Galvin, Bob Reis and
Larry Jackson were in my class.
MD: I could see your
consternation at this. You work so hard, and then to be at the mercy of someone
who may have poor vision!
JD: Look, no way was
I bitter. I was glad it was over. I was so young and to have placed in a show
of that caliber-that spoke of big success to come.
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1988 NPC USA |
JD: Well, oh yes. The
biggest show in NY back then was the Metropolitan, which I am sure you are
familiar with. Guys like Tony Pandolfo, Steve Michalik, Joe Nazario, many other
champs were victorious on that stage.As a teenager, Tom Terwilliger beat me the
first time I went in the Teen Metropolitan. Tom and I trained together in my
basement around that time. This was 1977, and I have a great picture of him and
I at Subway eating sandwiches after the show. We've got the seventies long hair
and everything! The following year, 1978, I defeated Dave Spector (who happened
to date my sister). Dave took me to Olympic Health Club around then. In 1978 I
won the Teenage Metropolitian AND the men's open division the same night. I was
the only teenager ever to do this. Spector took second to me, followed by the
great Mike Torchia. I also remember Ron Psm-magnum, as well as Dwayne Broadway,
another good bodybuilder who just also happened to be the guy who took first in
the first show I went in.
MD: Wow. Very
impressive list of past champions. But you did grind on, eventually winning
outright the USA championships is 1988, thus earning your IFBB pro card.
JD: Oh yes. Just like
I wrote in my notebook when I was 13, I followed through. It took me ten years
to go from 3rd place to 1st place. They printed an article about me in Flex
Magazine about how I had risen like the phoenix from a scrapheap and I had not
competed for five years. They trumpeted how I had risen from the proverbial
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Bob Paris, Matt
Mendenhall and Lee Haney at the 1982 NPC Nationals.
Bob was is a longtime
friend and the man who helped me the most in all
my years in
You know, some years
before this in 1982, Bob Gruskin was helping Matt Mendenhall prepare for
competition. Bob, a long time friend, sent me Matt's progress pictures. At the
time, myself and Rory Leidelmeyer were the favorites on the national scene to
reign victorious. When I received these photos, it was six weeks prior to the
big event-and-let me tell you-there was just no way I could have beaten Matt.
He looked unbeatable in the photos. Bob sent them to me just for some
perspective. Nobody on planet Earth at that time could beat what I had in front
of me. I looked great in 1982, but I simply bowed out because there was no way
I'd win against Matt. Even Jim Manion said I looked great in 1982. As it turned
out, Lee Haney edged out Matt for the title-Matt just wasn't sharp enough on
that day. Rory? He had one of the greatest physiques ever, but he was very
eccentric. Tough guy to figure out and understand. Strong though. He'd be 320
pounds in the off season and I personally saw him do 120 pound dumbbell lateral
raises for 10 reps.
MD: Who do you
consider your good bodybuilding friends?
JD: Tom Platz, yes,
although I haven't talked to him in a few years. I'd have to say Samir Bannout
and Lee Haney have been my best friends from my years spent in bodybuilding.
Both wonderful people, and two of the best to win the Big O.
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Jerry Scalesse |
MD: I will. He's
slated for an interview soon, ironically.
JD: I wrote workouts
for big Jeff King. As far as my greatest inspiration in bodybuilding- I'd have
to say the Blond Bomber, Dave Draper. Arnold, too. In all of human history,
2,000 years ago, 1960's, 70's, 20015...the 1974 version of Arnold that won the
Mr. Olympia title is unmatched. And, especially the way things look now, it'll
stay that way.
MD: So, you got your
IFBB pro card. How did things progress for you going forward?
JD: Well, I was all
over the place. I had guest posings booked all year in 1989. I went to Europe,
California of course, many, many states in the USA. I actually guest posed at
the first show Flex Wheeler ever won. Remember something now. I owed my fans
and the promoters, I felt. I wanted to look my best and not like guys you see
making appearances at guest posings 50 pounds overweight with no tan. I'd try
to peak for every appearance. This meant carb depleting monday, Tuesday, and
Wednesday, then carbing up the days leading up to the Saturday appearance.
These two shows were to
be held in May, and, by the time heading up to these events, I was worn down.
My electrolytes were screwed, my hands were shaking. I needed a break. I won
the USA at 221 pounds and 3% body fat, and I was guest posing at about 238, not
a big variance.
I ended up in the
hospital needing to balance out my electrolytic balance, and called Wayne
letting him know this. He said if I didn't show for the competitions, I'd not
only be fined five thousand dollars, but I'd be banned from the IFBB for one
I though I served the
IFBB very well as an in-shape National champion ready to assume my proper place
in the Professional level.l Joe Weider even told Chris Dickerson that if I were
in the shape I was to win the USA, I could win the Olympia that year. None of
that mattered to DeMilia. Well, I went in both shows smooth and at 212 pounds.
I was cannibalizing muscle. I remember being onstage and Mike Christian was
sitting in the first row, and he looked at me with a flash of shock and
disappointment on his face. I mouthed to him, "Watch this," and I hit
what I presented as my attempt at a most muscular. There were no lines! I had
to be there. It really killed me to "have to" go in these shows.
If they tried to do
this to a competitor now, especially with all the doctors records I had-you'd
get sued. This ruined the sport for me-it was all about money for these guys.
You know, I never
really loved competing, but I love the training and the sculpting of the body.
I created the body I wanted. I have no jealousy in anyone's success.
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John owned one of the best vacuums in the history of pro bodybuilding |
JD: I had symmetry
with size. just have massive swaths of flesh parading about. Well,
that kind of presentation went out with Louis Cyr! I developed MY ideal, not
the ideal of the judges. This is a problem today.
MD: Its perfectly
understandable that you left competition at that point.
JD: You know, I see
online everybody-all these kids I've never seen or heard of before-and I know
we all gotta start somewhere...but you here them all trumpeting this
"goal" of earning their "pro card." Just what in Hell does
that exactly mean? Back in my time, the winner of the USA (me), and each class
winner at the NPC Nationals would be awarded an IFBB pro card. That's what...6
people. Six new pros per year. Now that is quality control and ensuring that
only the worthy get elevated to such a lofty status.
Now? They give
hundreds of them out. Hundreds. You go to the mater's nationals in Pittsburgh
and there are 650 bikini girls. They get pro cards too, you know. It's
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"It took me 20 years to turn professional" |
There were good
points to being a professional, however. I gave back to bodybuilding, just like
I do in my business and in life today. What the hell else could it be about?
These guys today make me sick-the ones who wont take a picture with a fan
unless you buy something or hand them the cash. The fans make us what we are!
You know, I've been told I should erect a "fan page." I won't do it.
I think its pompous to do that. To think that way. Its like you are lending
others to subjugation. I don't want fans. I want friends. In today's pro
bodybuilding-put it this way: I would'nt trust the pro standing next to me.
They all have this absurd notion that they are going to make millions (laughs).
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"Dose calves are not good... dey high like Louie's Calves!" |
MD: Arnold man, Lol.
You have a huge, universally renowned personal training company now, Ultrafit.
Before your discuss that, talk a little about some of the famous people have
JD: Oh yes. Well, I
trained Calvin Klein He told me personally he thought I was an amazing business
man. But...I am not that at all. I am a man who is passionate in helping others improve themselves. And I'll say this now...everyone on my team must embody
this same passion, this fire. THIS is what drives the business. Do what you
love...the money will come. The funny thing with Calvin...he carried a notebook
around that we give clients. It has my name on it. And all the time, as you
know, people wear his stuff with HIS name on it! I've trained Mike Piazza. I
helped Newt Gingrich melt 61 pounds off his body. During his prsidential
campaign he actually referenced me in a speech, that my standards were higher
than his. Let me tell you-we needed a leader. Not like what we have now. I wish
he had won.
MD: Were you nervous
working in the rarefied air that these folks occupy?
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Calvin Klein, one of John's numerous celebrity clients |
I also trained Jim
Robinson, who was the CEO of American Express. He's a well known guy-Donald
Trump is his best friend. Trump wanted me. Jim gave me his number so I just
called Trump directly. Lou Duva, the famous boxing guy, had me train Andrew
Golatta. These all have been great, great experiences. People are all the same.
MD: So, what about
JD: Well, let me
start by saying this. I know you were around back in the day. Frankly,
bodybuilders were in better shape back then than guys today. There was no
conventional cardio machines to speak of-no treadmills, climbers, bikes in the
gyms. We just hit the weights with intensity. In our Ultrafit program we employ
no cardiovascular work on any machines whatsoever. Ask yourself this: How does
the heart work? If you do 20 repetitions of bent over rows you think your heart
isn't working to allow you to do this? People drive their the then walk on the treadmills! Why not just go to the mall and walk? You
know-the more I malign cardio, the more I am dissed by my detractors. It
doesn't bother me...Ultrafit has helped and continues to provide solutions for
thousands of people.
Everything done for
an Ultrafit client is calculated for a specific outcome. All trainers today
teach the eccentric/concentric model...let me say that words scare people. In
Ultrafit, we espouse the Five Points of Movement.
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Cardio? Lift weights faster! |
This includes:
- Stretch component
- Flex component
- Drag-drag the weight through the movement
- Contraction
- The Negative
Every Ultrafit
trainer is versed in the Five Points. Our clients are indoctrinated to this,
its methodical, consistent, they dream of this sequence. Its easy to understand
and they feel the muscle. It's truly the "mind muscle connection"
being propagated. This is a Turnkey system that all our trainers use, and each
trainer reports to the director of the club at which they work, whom I train
personally. I call many clients personally. In any successful business, you
must give people what THEY want, not what I want. Its all about them. If a
complicated answer is given, it is wrong.
You see Mike, the art
of being a good and effective trainer is this: You have got to think like a
shark! Be The Shark! We challenge clients not to reduce, but to help them get
to the next level. We give them basic, salient information that is usable and
beneficial for them. Results producing. They don't have to worry about the science
or details. We even provide hundreds of recipes that make their food options
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John rewarding Cecil Foster, one of the Ultrafit coaches |
MD: And all this
success, still you say there are the obligatory detractors out there of you and
your methods?
JD: Oh yes. Of
course. I don't use diet is cookie-cutter. They say it all. But all
we produce is results. What these guys really should be doing is worrying about their own businesses. I don't worry about or envy anything or anybody. I wanna
see everybody do well. That means the environment will allow me to do so, also.
I have had 1000's of successful clients. I've helped over 1,000 individuals
drop more than 100 pounds of deadly excess bodyweight with the use of NO
cardio. I've employed over 500 trainers. Nothing parallels what I have done. My
brain is like a computer and, given this, I only want to store in my head what
WORKS. There is a finite space for accurate information.
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MD: You've been at this a long time John. A pioneer, you are. You are one of the first guys I remember seeing and being impressed with in the magazines.
JD: Thanks Mike. Yes.
I started Ultrafit in 1982. We are here in South Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania,
North Carolina and Georgia. We grow by the day. I've been together with my
business partner, Brandon Daniels, for 20 years now. In the early 2000's we had
over 350 trainers employed in Florida. I did move to South Carolina to
originally semi-retire, but of course I couldn't stay away and initiated
Ultrafit here. It's really blown up since. Its the most successful family of
personal trainers in the country. We've helped so many...of this I am very
proud. My colleagues are the best and I appreciate them. I try to do everything
right. Last month I gave out five 51" Samsung flat screen televisons and
also 10K in additional prizes to my deserving trainers-they are valued and I
want them to know this. Ultrafit trainers do very well.
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John rewarding his trainer with an amazing Samsung 51" |
There is something
very important that all my trainers must understand, and they do. You know,
don't go after the money, go after the results. Give the client value. The
money will come. It must be understood that it likely took a lot of courage for
a client to come in and see us. It's often THE defining moment in a person's
life. We find if they really are up to the challenge. We will run them through
a session, no charge. Did they like it? Did they feel it was for them? There
has got to be a fit. We only work with people who see it as we do.
Like I do everyday,
we help people think differently...there are no negatives. I have adversity,
who in hell doesn't? But I steadfastly look for anything to pull me out of a
particular funk.
MD: It's like Frank
Zane says: "You must practice "Right Speech". It sounds like you
are really thriving in an industry that could use a leader, one who espouses a
system that is a solution for almost anyone. Please give me some of your
thoughts where things stand regarding health, fitness, and present day attitudes
about the same.
JD: (Laughs). You
know, I'm kinda new to much of this social media stuff now. But last year, a
teacher of mine I hadnt seen nor spoken to for 36, 37 years posted on my
Facebook page. He said he recalled regularly kicking me out of class -I would
be writing workouts out and such-but he said it looked like things worked out
for me. LOL. I wasn't really a good student, true. I did turn down a
scholarship for wrestling in college. I wanted to be a bodybuilder. Remember my
goal written at age 13 in the notebook.
Back then, people
hated bodybuilding. Kids now? No respect for us, the pioneers, by them. These
kids, they don't even respect Arnold or know who Lee Haney is. They like these
guys with arms bigger than their heads filled with synthol. You know, you go to
the Arnold Classic...there is a three hour wait in line for some ballooned-up
monster, and all the while an icon like Ed Corney sits alone at his
table. Haney? He is a walking example of Christ-I wish I could be a man like
him. The new generation is being mentored by goofs on Youtube who are schooling
them by throwing things around, even one guy who lit some weights on fire and
then pressed them. Just what the hell is that?
MD: The way of the
new world, I am afraid. Ok, I'll throw a few words out there...please
say what comes to mind when you hear them.
JD: You think I
won't? (laughs)
MD: "Beast
Mode," vs "Be The Shark"
JD: That's easy. Too
easy. Let me tell you about "Beast Mode." My Shark ate your beast
mode! There is NO beast mode. I hate that beast mode shit. Who wants to be a
beast? I don't get it. A shark? Its an awesome animal. Look at the focus in
their eyes. There is no meaning in being a beast. I see only a bunch of muscle
headed steroid abusers when I think beast. Responsible, introspective
bodybuilders train hard to develop aesthetic lines. Its all about aesthetics. I
was big and could do an excellent vacuum pose. Aesthetics. The Shark.
Sleekness. I will be 57 on my next birthday. I'll have new goals but they will
still have their own aesthetic to them. The Shark has much more meaning than a
In my day, we stayed
covered up when we trained. You know, we'd wear the baggy T-Michael and Strydom
clothes. We'd take our shirt off for two minutes , check progress, and then put
the shirt back on. Now? Egos abound. Lats always flared out. Wanton disrespect
for everyone by these guys, including for themselves.
![]() |
"There is NO Beast Mode. I hate that Beast Mode shit" |
Beast Mode. Today's
generation. They want everything NOW. Like I mentioned about everyone getting a
trophy earlier, no effort required. Yes, anabolics were a factor years ago, but
it was legal with a prescription and amounts were miniscule compared to what is
used today. These guys use 100 times more. Over the years, there have been some
younger guys who chose to skip the whole process and attempt to build a body
like mine in two years. You can't do it. One is dead from heart disease, the
other is currently in need of new kidneys. For them, why travel the journey?
They want to skip the goodness, the fabric of it all.
MD: John, I thank you
so much for your time. I'm forever reminded talking to guys like you about how
much I still need to learn. It does me well to speak with you. How do folks
contact you?
JD: Mike anytime.
This is what it is all about! I'm happy to hear from anyone interested in what
Ultrafit has to offer them. Just visit
©,2015. Bodybuilding Mauritius. Any reprinting in any type of media is prohibited. Interview article published with permission from Dr. Michael Dusa (North Haven, Connecticut).
©,2015. Bodybuilding Mauritius. Any reprinting in any type of media is prohibited. Interview article published with permission from Dr. Michael Dusa (North Haven, Connecticut).
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